The Salt Mountain is a geological reserve of 60 ha on the southwestern border of Praid village. From a geological point of view, the studied surface includes formations of Neogene ages from the Sarmatian and Pannonian floor, represented by volcanic rocks, volcanic sedimentary-conglomerate formations, volcanic tuffs and scattered volcanic lava flows, Pontic deposits.
Hydrology: The presence of the rock salt massif in the central area of the Praid basin, has a decisive role in the mineralization and chemistry of the circulating waters in the Salt Hill.
The water infiltrations are mostly due to the precipitation accumulated in the negative forms of relief: alveoli, sinkholes, anthropocars and landslides.
The hydrological regime is characterized by maximum flows in early spring and minimum in winter. Inside the Praid Salt Mountain Reserve of National Interest, several non-permanent salt water springs are identified.
Climate: According to W. Kőppen's climatological classification, the climate of the Corund-Praid-Lupeni region falls in the area of the cool temperate continental climate –Dfb–, without a well-individualized dry season and with moderate summers from a thermal point of view; the hot and cold seasons are well thermally delimited.
Within the studied area, the average multiannual precipitation amounts vary between 700 and 900 mm.